Prohibition Against Evictions End September 1st

Some big news affecting landlords and tenants released yesterday, August 13, 2020.

The Judicial Council of California, the rule-making branch of the California court system, made a 19 to 1 decision to allow Landlords to evict tenants through court action starting September 1st.

Prior to this decision, Governor Newsom had issued an executive order that authorized cities to halt evictions for renters affected by COVID-19. However, Newsom’s decision is set to expire by September 30, 2020.

Landlords across California should take advantage of this decision as even if eviction proceedings are filed on September 1st, a tenant still must be given a minimum of 30 days to respond to the lawsuit. As such evictions procedures would not be able to begin until September 30th at the earliest.

Landlords across California need to send out all the proper notices and following every single legal procedure to ensure that the eviction goes as smoothly as possible.

Tenants need to start making sure their monthly lease payments are up-to-date or work out a payment plan with their landlords.

 The Ma Legal Group is experienced with helping individuals with landlord tenant issues across California especially in the San Gabriel Valley area.






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